H6: How Steve Jobs Started

Ola, Its me again! How was your day? 

Hope it was fine, mine was a little bit funny because I 
tried to buy a shirt that is worn by a mannequin in a store. 
The shirt size that i'm wearing is out of stock, so I asked the store 
helper whether I can have the shirt on the mannequin. 
The store helper just laugh and smile at me because she 
thought that I was joking which was not the case.. I was seriously 
asking her if i can have that shirt on the mannequin.. 
but she just left.. what a bummer huh? haha.. 
welllll anyways.. in a totally non-related kinda way, 
all of you know Steve Jobs right? The founder of Apple? 
Ok most probably some of us knows him more than the 
others but he is really a good example of a successful 
entrepreneur that we can look up to. If you have not read 
his biography but wanted to know how he managed to 
become what he was, just read down below..


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